City of Gibraltar

Fire Department

Contact Information

William Cain

Fire Chief

Phone: (734) 676-1022
Fax (734) 676-5124

General Information

Fireworks & Safety

Effective January 1, 2012 Michigan residents are now able to purchase and use all types of consumer grade fireworks within the state of Michigan. Previous to the legislative action taken in 2011 fireworks in the state that were projectile in nature or explosive were banned. With the legalization of these products additional safety precautions should be taken to insure safety.
They are as follows:

* List courtesy of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission

Volunteer Firefighters

Volunteer firefighters are held to the same high standards as full time firefighters. Within two years on joining our department, each individual must attend a state approved firefighter 1 and 2 course. The department pays for all training but the individual is not paid for his time in the course. The Gibraltar Fire Department is currently accepting applications for volunteer Firefighter/EMT; all applicants must possess a valid driver’s license along with a good driving record. If interested in volunteering applications are available at police desk.

Fire Hydrants & Snow

When shoveling snow, please keep any accumulation away from fire hydrants in front of your home. This will allow for easy access to the hydrant by the Fire Department should there be a fire in your neighborhood. 

Smoke Detectors

If a smoke detector goes off, teach family members to test closed doors before opening them: Place the back of a hand on the door to check for heat, starting at the bottom of the door and working it up as high as possible. Then place the back of a hand on the doorknob (metal conducts heat better than wood – if there’s any heat outside the door, the doorknob will be hot). If the door is not hot, crack open the door, stay low, and check for smoke. If smoke is present, use another way out.

Smoke Detector Warnings

Fire Safety Precautions

In the event of a fire, fire fighters need to be able to access your home easily, without the hindrances of locked gates, bars on windows and unreadable home address numbers. “Homeowners take numerous measures to prevent fires in the home,” said State Fire Marshal Andy Neumann. “But, if the unthinkable does happen, it’s important that fire fighters have every chance to act fast.” The Office of the State Fire Marshal is encouraging homeowners to take the following steps to make their home accessible to an emergency crew.

Safety Precaution Steps

Fuel Storage

Please be aware that it is illegal to pump gasoline into any portable container that is not red in color. Portable containers over 50 gallons must also be red in color, and they must have HAZMAT markings/placards on them. Please place all portable containers on the ground before refueling.

Home Fireplaces

Homeowners with fireplaces should extinguish any active fire before leaving the home or going to bed for the evening.