City of Gibraltar


Gibraltar Master Plan

What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan is a document and policy guide designed to help communities create a vision for what they want to look like in the future. This will guide the physical and economic development of Gibraltar, define the area’s character, and enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors. Ultimately, this Plan will be used to guide decision-making by City Council, Planning Commission, staff, developers, businesses and various local organizations. The Master Plan forms the basis for zoning regulations.

Gibraltar's Master Plan

Gibraltar’s Master Plan builds on the features that residents find most appealing – the City’s nautical small town atmosphere, with emphasis on the goals of:
1) supporting downtown development
2) improving nonmotorized connectivity
3) developing a resiliency culture
4) continuing to support residential development and expanding housing choice
5) furthering the development of the City’s Superfund site
6) preserving and levering the City’s wetlands
7) enhancing the boating and outdoor lifestyle
8) expanding children’s activities

This Master Plan is designed to allow development and redevelopment to meet current and future needs, while preserving open space and the community’s natural features.

Master Plan - Adopted October 17, 2023