To any owner of lands situated within the City of Gibraltar, County of Wayne, and the State of Michigan:
Notice is hereby given that all noxious weeds, as defined by the City Code, Chapter 40, Section 61 to 66, growing and all dead grass and weeds or grass over eight (8”) inches in height on any land within the City of Gibraltar, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, must be cut down, destroyed and removed, and when as frequently as growth exceeds maximum height to prevent such weeds from reaching a situation detrimental to the public health and welfare. Provided, however, that such growth shall be permitted if it shall not encroach closer than 50 feet of any public highway, street sidewalk, adjoining lot or premises.
Failure to comply with this Notice in a timely manner, by allowing such growth shall make any party so failing liable for costs of cutting, destroying and removing said noxious weeds and dead grass and brush by said City, said costs to be levied and collected against said lands in the same manner as prescribed by the City Charter and City Code.
Excluded from this ordinance are lands specifically designated as wetlands or nature areas by the State of Michigan or federal agency, if cutting is prohibited by them.