City of Gibraltar

Notice of Public Hearing – Proposed Zoning Text & Zoning Map Amendments

Notice of Public Hearing
Proposed Zoning Text and Zoning Map Amendments
Planning Commission
City of Gibraltar, Wayne County, Michigan

The City of Gibraltar Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 29450 Munro Avenue, Gibraltar, Michigan, 48173.  This hearing is in regard to amending Chapter 44 of the City Code of Ordinances (Zoning) including Section 44-48 (Zoning Map) and Section 44-49 (Amending of Zoning Map), Article XXI – M-1 Light Manufacturing, Article XXII – M-2 Medium Industrial, Article XXIII Heavy Industrial districts, and establish Section 44- 960 Rezoning with Conditions. 

At the request of an applicant, the Planning Commission shall consider the above listed amendments to the City’s Zoning Ordinance.  These amendments to the City’s industrial zoning classifications were identified as goals in the City’s recently adopted Master Plan.  These changes would:  1) simplify the overlapping M-1 and M-2 district requirements into a single district; 2) allow for greater flexibility within the proposed M-1 Light Manufacturing district; 3) potentially allow for public and semi-public uses under certain Special Use approval requirements; 4) permit a strip of 400-deep commercial uses to be permitted along all Master Plan identified major roads within the City that would be zoned manufacturing; 5) rezone a defunct PUD to M-1; 6) bring the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map closer into compliance with the recommendations of the Master Plan; and 7) and add the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act mandated requirement to offer Rezoning with Conditions as a rezoning option.

The proposed changes to the industrial districts will both simplify the Ordinance while providing greater flexibility within applying the Ordinance to light manufacturing and warehousing uses.  Proposed changes to the existing M-3 Heavy Industrial district text are to be minimal except for renumbering and changing the heading to M-2 Heavy Manufacturing district.  The Planning Commission is holding this hearing in order to comply with the State requirements and obtain testimony from all interested parties. 

Persons wishing to provide their comments on these proposed changes are invited to attend the Public Hearing, or to send their comments in writing to the attention of the Planning Commission using the City Hall address provided above.  All written comments received by the close of business Monday, March 18, 2024, will be considered. 

Physically challenged persons needing assistance or aid at the Public Hearing should contact the City Clerk during regular office hours not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the Public Hearing for assistance. 

Katie Tomasik
City Clerk, City of Gibraltar


Winter Storage Reminder CODE OF ORDINANCE (SECTION 44-170 2a) Effective Friday, November 1st, Gibraltar’s trailer storage ordinance (44-170 [2a]) will change to the Winter rules,

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